Nicholas + Meagan

Castle Hill Inn

Newport, Rhode Island

In the embrace of the gentle ocean breeze and overlooking the stunning vistas of Newport, Rhode Island, Nicholas and Meagan shared a celebration of love and intimacy at the picturesque Castle Hill Inn. Their wedding day, a beautiful fusion of serenity and warmth, spoke volumes about the power of love in its most intimate form—a testament to the beauty found in simplicity.

The day unfolded against the backdrop of Castle Hill Inn's breathtaking landscape—a serene haven that perfectly complemented the couple's desire for an intimate affair. Surrounded by a select few cherished friends and family members, the setting was not just romantic; it was infused with an air of quiet elegance.

Meagan, radiant in her simplicity, adorned in an elegant gown that echoed the grace of the ocean waves, made her way toward Nicholas. His eyes, filled with love and admiration, mirrored the vastness of the surrounding seas as he beheld his beloved walking toward him, a vision of beauty and serenity.

The ceremony, held in the embrace of nature's grandeur, echoed with heartfelt vows exchanged in hushed tones—a private symphony of promises and commitment that resonated deeply with all present. With every word spoken, their love seemed to carve its own space within the landscape, creating an intimate haven for just the two of them.

Castle Hill Inn, with its understated charm and captivating views, provided the perfect canvas for this celebration of intimacy. Every corner of the venue whispered tales of romance, weaving an atmosphere of tranquility and love that enveloped the gathering in its embrace.

As the sun gently descended, casting its golden hues upon the horizon, the celebration continued with an intimate dinner. The gathering shared stories, laughter, and heartfelt moments, each one a precious gem in the tapestry of Nicholas and Meagan's love story.

With the stars adorning the sky like glittering jewels, the couple swayed to a melody that seemed composed just for them. Their dance, bathed in the soft glow of twinkling lights, was a tender expression of their connection—a moment of pure intimacy amidst the grandeur of the night.

The evening culminated in an exchange of loving glances under the starlit sky—a reminder that in the quietude of intimacy, love finds its purest expression.

Nicholas and Meagan's wedding at Castle Hill Inn was a celebration of love's most intimate facets—a testament to the belief that amidst life's grand stages, the essence of love shines brightest in moments shared intimately. As they bid farewell to this haven of tranquility and love, they carried with them not just memories, but a profound understanding of the beauty found in the quiet embrace of intimacy—a treasure that would forever illuminate their journey together.

Photo Look: MMC1
I Do Too Photo

Castle Hill Inn
Castle Hill Inn
Moonstone Flower Co.

Hair: Caitlin J. Doris

Makeup: Caitlin J. Doris

Music: Teresa Tafuri Harpist

Dress: Enaura

Sean Brown
