Samuel + Katherine

Second Beach Engagement Session

Newport, Rhode Island

Underneath a sky adorned with cotton candy hues, Samuel and Katherine's engagement session at Second Beach unfolded as a heartwarming tale of love and serenity against nature's breathtaking canvas.

As the sun dipped, painting the horizon in ethereal colors, the couple, dressed casually, wandered along the serene shoreline. Their relaxed attire mirrored the laid-back ambiance of the beach, adding an air of comfort to their intimate moments.

Captured amidst the enchanting backdrop, each photograph encapsulated Samuel and Katherine's genuine connection amidst the soft glow of the setting sun. Their casual attire perfectly complemented the easygoing romance that danced along the coastline.

Second Beach transformed into a serene sanctuary for their love story, the cotton candy skies serving as a whimsical backdrop to their laughter-filled embraces and shared glances. The casual setting echoed the authenticity and tranquility found in their relationship.

As the sky painted a mesmerizing palette of pastel shades, Samuel and Katherine stood hand in hand, silhouetted against the stunning horizon. Their engagement session was a beautiful reflection of their casual yet deep connection—a moment forever captured in the soothing hues of a seaside sunset.

In the peaceful embrace of Second Beach, Samuel and Katherine's session embodied the beauty of simplicity—a celebration of their love set against the backdrop of a captivating sunset, a memory etched in the serene colors of an evening sky.

Photo Look: MMC 1

Package: The Deluxe

Sean Brown
